We can do for you the following calibrations (with ISO certificates/UKAS certificates) :


                     New calibration possible

New wind tunnel with parameters 60 x 60 cm makes it now possible to test complete systems

- wind speed sensors

- spoon shape anemometers (also with very large diameter)

- all kinds of anemometers (heat wire, fan, blower, propeller,...)

- portable anemometers of any size

** drive + mechanism can be completely placed in the tunnel

** all kind of portable anemometers can be controlled through the glss wall of the tynnel


                     Nieuwe kalibratie mogelijk
  Sonic Tension meter fr-compteur de tension  nl-spanning meter

Temperature : -40...+1200°C

- system calibrations

- dry wells

- test baths

- measuring instruments 

- indicators

- sensors

- transmitters

- loggers and recorders

- infrared thermometers

Humidity : RH : 33%, 50%, 75%

- analog air humidity meters

- digital air humidity meters

- building contruction humidity meters

- transmitters

- loggers

- recorders 

Mechanical/Force : up to 3000 Nm

- torque wrenches

- torque drivers


- analog panelmeters

– digital panelmeters 

- multimeters

- clamp meters

- testers

- insulation meters

- simulators

- voltage testers

- Pt100-elements

- thermometers without sensors

Pressure : up to 2500 bar

- manometers

- pressure pumps

- transmitters

- recorders

- barometers


- flue gas analysers : O2, CO, NO...

- gas detectors : O2 / CO /H2S /CH4 / % LEL...

- alcohol meters



- distance meters

- laser distance meters

- calipers

- micrometers



- analog luxmeters

- digital luxmeters


UTI meters / MMC

- altimeters

- water/oils detection

- temperature



- Ph-meters

- salinometers

- alcohol testers / meters



Bercu nv

Noordschippersdok 13                         T. +32 3 225 32 73                        

B-2060 Antwerp                                  F. +32 3 234 18 49

Belgium                                              ejb@bercu.be


www.bercu.be    www.bercu.com    Copyright @ Bercu nv. All rights reserved.