The Digitron DGS-10 Gas Leak Detector, specially designed for HVAC applications is a "must" in any heating engineer's tool kit. It pinpoints flammable gas leaks in residential and commercial applications and also verifies that the work undertaken is leak free.
  The DGS-10 is an advanced state-of art gas leak detector capable of detecting many flammable gases. Hight sensitivity provides accurate detection.


  Detection : 16 gases

  Indication : LED-Light (illuminates the tip sensing area)

  Sensor : solide state

  Probe length : 406mm

  Rubber boot instrument protection

  Sensitivity : 10 ppm Methane (CH4)

  Response time : instaneous

  Duty cycle : continuous

  Power supply : 9V alcaline battery

  Battery life : approx. 1000 x 20 second readings

  Size : 77 x 170 x 40 mm

  Weight : 450 g

General info  It is  simple to operate. Start by setting the Red LED and the audible 'tick-rate' to a background gas level. As the gas concentration from a leak increases so does the frequency of the flashes and 'tic-rate'.

To identify a gas leak adjust the 'tick-rate' back to the background level, then move the instrument to suspected areas of higher gas concentration until the leak is detected.

The DGS-10 has a long, flexible gooseneck and small sensor head to allow its use in tight, difficult to reach areas. Viewing the area around the leak is made easy with a unique 'tip-light' incorporated into the sensor head.

After using DGS-10 simply wrap its gooseneck probe around the rubber sleeve for easy storage and protection.

Detected gases :     

- Acetone
- Alcohol
- Ammonia
- Butane
- Gasoline
- Jet Fuel
- Hydrogen Sulphide
- Industrial Solvents
- Methane
- Lacquer Thinner
- Naphtha
- Natural Gas
- Propane




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