AZ-8581 is a potrable luxmeter. 

  Display light level in Foot Candles (fc) or Lux (lx)

  Resolution : 0,01 lux and 0,001 fc

  Built-in light sensor silicone fixed

  Measuring : from 0,01 Lux to 20000 Lux

  Measuring : from 0,001 fc to 2000 fc

  Cosine Response : f2' <2% at 150 degree

  Working temperature : 5 - 80°C

  Dimensions : 142 x 42,3 x 26,4 mm (folded) 

                       234 x 42,6 x 26,4 mm (fully opend) 


Main functions :

Hold function to freeze the reading for making note

Zero point self-calibration at range 99,99 Lux or 9,999 fc

4 points calibration

The auto power function can be disabled to facilitate period monitoring

Conversion : 10,764 x fc (Foot of candles) = Lux (Lumens/meter˛)

0,0929 x 1Lux = fc (Lumens/foot˛) 

Powered by two pieces CR2032 button cell

Waterproof housing

Pocket-knife design cover preserves sensor life

Range (Lux) Resolution (Lux)  Range (fc)  Resolution (fc)
99,99 0,01 9,999 0,001
999,9 0,1 99,99 0,01
9999 1 999,9 0,1
99990 1 9999 1

Standard accessories

- CR2032 battery and safety wrist lanyard

- operation manual


Bercu nv

Noordschippersdok 13                         T. +32 3 225 32 73                         ejb@bercu.be

B-2060 Antwerp                                  F. +32 3 234 18 49



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