Simple and easy to use and read as contact, as non contact tachometer with auto range function and contant rotating object by changing contact spare wheels, measuring from 10 to 99999 RPM with non-sleep mode & hold function. 


  Display : LCD

  Test range : 10,000 - 99999 RPM (rotate per minute)

                       1,0000 - 9999,9 M/min (meter per minute)

                       3,0000 - 30000 FT/min (feet per minute)

                       1,0000 - 10000 YD/min (yard per minute)

  Resolution : 0,001 RPM

  Time base : 4,0 Mhz (quartz crystal)

  Sampling time : 1 sec 

  Power supply : 9 volt battery

  Power consumption : 0,2 uA (Idle); 25 mA (measurement)

  Dimension : 124 x 50 x 33 mm (8000)


                  149 x 50 x 33 mm (8001)


Main functions 

Measure and read by pressing either main key or the bottom key for any up and down direction to operate

Hold function to freeze rotating speed. 

Disable sleep mode

Auto power off in 20 min non-operation

Low battery icon indicator shows weak energy


Test range  Resolution  Accuracy 
10.000 - 99999 RPM  0,001;  0,01;  0,1;  1,0 0,04%
1.0000 - 9999.9 M/min 0,0001; 0,001; 0,01; 0,1 0,04%
3.0000 - 30000 FT/min 0,0001; 0,001; 0,01; 0,1 0,04%
1.0000 - 10000 YD/min 0,0001; 0,001; 0,01; 0,1 0,04%

Standard accessories: 


Spare wheels




Bercu nv

Noordschippersdok 13                         T. +32 3 225 32 73                        

B-2060 Antwerp                                  F. +32 3 234 18 49

Belgium                                             ejb@bercu.be


www.bercu.be    www.bercu.com    Copyright @ Bercu nv. All rights reserved.