The digital viewfinder and the integrated tilt sensor make the Leica DISTO A8 an innovation worldwide and open up completely new possibilities.

   Comfortably find your target with the three-fold digital zoom made even easier with the blended in crosshairs. The brightness of the greyscales display can be manually adjusted; ideal for poorly contrasting targets! The tilt sensor does not only indicate angles, but also real horizontal distances and various indirect height measurements.



  Measuring range : 0,05 to 200 m

  Accuracy : ± 1,5 mm

  Functions : continue measuring, calculator,tilt sensor...

  Measurements : up to 5.000

  Measuring units : 0,000 m, 0,00 m, 0 mm

  Batteries : AA 2x1,5 V

  Dimensions : 148 x 64 x 36 mm

  Weight : 280 g

  Operating temperature : -10°C to +50°C

  Illuminated display

  IP54 standard

General info

Precise, fast and reliable measurement

Integrated telescopic viewfinder with 2-fold zoom

Navigation keys


Multifunctional endpiece with automatic recognition

3-fold digital viewfinder

Tilt sensor / Indiract measurement with tilt sensor


Measure in bright light over long distances with the help of the digital viewfinder.


Determine the slant of a roof just by pressing a button.

Power Range Technology  Measure long distances (approx. 100m) without target plate.

Digital viewfinder with 3-fold zoom  essential for far distances and in sunshine. Easy measurements in sunshine and to far away targets.

Tilt sensor  Measure tilts by setting the housing on the object. Height measurements, e.g. without reflecting the laser beam through the tilt sensor.

Indirect height measurements  By using the tilt sensor and the digital viewfindern heights can be determined in the first measurement even without reflecting the laser beam.

IP spray water and dust proof - essential for construction sites.



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