l length
m mass
t time
I electric current
T temperature
l illuminance
n ammount of substance
α angle
Ω solid angle
m metre
kg kilogram
s second
A ampere
K kelvin
cd candela
(k)mol (kilo)mol
rad radian
sr steradian


A area square metre -
V volume cubic metre -
frequency hertz Hz s-1
F force newton N kg.m.s-2
p pressure Pascal Pa N.m-2
W work, energy, quantity of heat joule J N.m
P power watt W J.s-1
a charge coulomb C A.s
U electric potential difference, electromotive force volt V W.A-1
R resistance ohm Ω V.A-1
C capacitance farad F A.s.V-1
L inductance henry H V.s.A-1
G conductance siemens S Ω-¹
Φ magnetic flux weber Wb V.s
B magnetic flux density tesla T Wb.m-2
Φ luminous flux lumen lm cd.sr
E illuminance lux lx lm.m


SI pefixes

symbol prefix factor
E exa 1018
P peta 1015
T tera 1012
G giga 109
M mega 108
k kilo 103
h hecto 1021
da deca 10
a atto 10-18
f femto 10-15
p pico 10-12
n nano 10-9
µ micro 10-6
m milli 10-3
c centi 10-2
в deci 10-1


symbol value unit conversion
a time year 31.556.926 s
d   day 86.400 s
h   hour 3.600 s
min   minute 60 s
a area are 10-2
ha   hectare 104
ca   centiare 1 m²
b   barn 10-28
I volume liter 10³ m³
t mass ton 10³ kg
° angle degree p/180 rad
'   minute p/1800 rad
''   second p/64800 rad
°C temperature difference degree Celsius 1°C = 1K
bar pressure bar 105 Pa
eV energy electronvolt 1,60210.10-19 J
Wh   watt-hour 3,6 kJ
kWh   kilowatt-hour 3,6 MJ



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